- Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong «Principles of Marketing», 2017
- Jay Conrad Levinson Guerrilla Marketing, 2007
- Phil Barden «Decoded: The Science Behind Why We Buy», 2013
- Carl Sewell, Paul Brown «Customers for Life», 2002
- W. Chan Kim, Renée A. Mauborgne «Blue Ocean Strategy», 2014
- Martin Lindstrom «Buyology: Truth and Lies About Why We Buy», 2010
- Seth Godin «Purple Cow: Transform Your Business by Being Remarkable», 2006
- Philip Kotler «Marketing 4.0: Moving from Traditional to Digital», 2016
- Ian Brodie «Email Persuasion», 2013
- Philip Kotler, Milton Kotler «Market Your Way to Growth: 8 Ways to Win», 2012
- David Lewis «The Brain Sell: When Science Meets Shopping», 2013
- Emanuel Rosen «The Anatomy of Buzz Revisited», 2009
- Simon kingsnorth «Digital Marketing Strategy», 2016
- Roger Best «Market-Based Management (6th Edition)», 2012
- Al Ries, Jasck Trout «Marketing Warfare», 2012
We made a selection of the best, in our opinion, books about marketing
Our TOP 17 marketing books will help beginners and battle-seasoned marketers find great insights that will speed up their brand’s promotion offline and online.
Read, apply skills in practice and get new customers!
Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong «Principles of Marketing», 2017
The book from marketing guru F. Kotler survived 5 editions. Book theses, quotes, principles are relevant today, as is the law of universal gravitation.
The author teaches how to make a service or product buy even without expensive advertising. Moreover, Kotler begins the book from the basics. Does this without moralizing and tedious terminology. There are definitions in the book. But the author wrote all the explanations in human language, without abstruse long explanations. Each definition follows from the previous one.
The presentation style captures from the first pages. All principles are illustrated by examples: by analyzing the marketing moves of successful companies.
“Volkswagen”, “Cadillac”, “Calvin Klein”, “Procter & Gamble” become understandable market players for the reader. The history of the development of these companies turns into a series of cheat sheets on what to do when customers press or the world crisis has plunged.
The book’s special feature was the author’s special techniques, which help to quickly and easily understand marketing principles and remember thesis thoughts.
After reading, you will learn how to:
- identify profitable markets and those where competitors have not set foot;
- reduce advertising costs due to competent market segmentation;
- create marketing plans that lead to profit even in times of crisis.
Jay Conrad Levinson Guerrilla Marketing, 2007
This book tells how to manipulate the unconscious part of the thinking of buyers and customers. The methods discussed in the book are neuro-linguistic programming (NLP).
Lenvinson and Henley are taught to create the right images in consumers’ brains that encourage customers to pay money for a service or product. If we follow the methods of the authors exactly, these unconscious attitudes will become long-term. Otherwise, customers will go to competitors next time.
You will receive instructions on how to:
- edit the site so that it sells;
- keep a message list;
- make offline advertising bring and retain customers.
Phil Barden «Decoded: The Science Behind Why We Buy», 2013
The author describes in detail what affects the purchase. It bases its conclusions on a progressive scientific analysis of the neural activity of the human brain during the selection of goods. The model of customer behavior proposed by Barden is very different from the generally accepted marketing principles.
The author will explain to you in an accessible way:
- how to avoid errors when starting products;
- how color, material, packaging form affect sales in different market segments;
- how to write promotional texts for goods;
- how the price tag design helps to quickly realize the product;
- how Steve Jobs managed to sell easily;
- how to increase the subjective value of the product in the eyes of the buyer and raise net revenue to 46%;
- how a marketer, increased the number of customers by 20% and halved the cost of attracting new customers thanks to a method based on the analysis of neural activity of the brain.
Niraj Dawar «Tilt: Shifting Your Strategy from Products to Customers», 2013
The author teaches not only to care about the quality of the product or the conduct of advertising campaigns, but also to think what and when the client wants to receive, in what conditions is the buyer willing to pay more.
At the end of each part of the book, questions encourage practical marketing action.
In the course of acquaintance with the book you:
- analyze that it’s time to change the existing business model in order to increase net income without investing in the product;
- Understand why a consumer buys goods that do not meet his original goals;
- identify hidden competitors to seize part of the market from them;
- tailor business processes to customer needs;
- learn to introduce new products to the market and competently expand the product line;
- create a non-competitive advantage;
- predict changes in the market.
Carl Sewell, Paul Brown «Customers for Life», 2002
The authors talk about their own 30 years of business experience:
- what became the growth points;
- how you found partners who brought new customers and retained old ones;
- how they increased revenue by 25 times due to attention to customer needs.
A fun and engaging book style makes reading a relaxing break for marketers.
– salons,
– shops
– restaurants
– a cafe,
– travel agencies.
After familiarizing yourself with the book, you will be able to:
- conduct psychological testing of future and current employees, select those who please customers in 90% of cases;
gain customer confidence; - create new bonuses and a line of services that will tie consumers of the product to the company;
- invent and implement a service that attracts customers like a magnet;
- develop a system of training, motivation and control of employees, which will increase the professional level of the team and the profitability of the business;
- predict changes in the market.
W. Chan Kim, Renée A. Mauborgne «Blue Ocean Strategy», 2014
The book became the best-selling in the first 10 years of the 21st century. This work is read in 43 languages. Chan Kim and Moborn talk about how to find new non-competitive niches and sub-areas that are called blue oceans, free from the struggle for consumers ’wallet.
The publication contains an analysis of methods for creating new markets by corporations in the USA, Europe, Asia. The authors devoted 15 years to the collection, research, systematization, testing of these strategies.
From the book you will understand:
- what to do to the marketer when the market fades;
- how to create new niches inside old ones;
- how to predict the prospects of new areas of activity;
- how to make regular customers those who were previously considered an inappropriate audience;
- how to assemble a team of dedicated employees who will support the idea of working in a new business area.
Martin Lindstrom «Buyology: Truth and Lies About Why We Buy», 2010
The book contains a description and analysis of experiments in the field of neuromarketing. The studies were carried out using a magnetic resonance imager, an electroencephalograph.
The object of observation was the physiological reaction of the brain of people who were shown commercials, packaging of goods. Research and analysis of the neural activity of the brain of the test people helped Lindstrom to draw conclusions about what makes consumers pay money for a product or service.
When you familiarize yourself with a book, you will learn:
- evidence of what marketing moves make you want to buy;
- what is the reason that consumers act contrary to the calls of advertising;
- because of which 52% of young brands fail;
- why 75% of new products are phased out;
- do you need sexual subtext in advertising.
Seth Godin «Purple Cow: Transform Your Business by Being Remarkable», 2006
A book about why old advertising methods do not work. Godin argues for
- creating only extraordinary products;
- Mandatory risks when launching a brand or product;
- a design that is criticized;
- the participation of marketers in the development of a new product or service;
- global changes in business processes;
- marketing education for engineers, technologists, chefs.
With the help of the book you can pump skills in:
- inventing outstanding products;
- creating viral advertising;
- the right choice of target audience;
- developing a unique selling proposition;
- launch word of mouth;
- reduce advertising costs.
Philip Kotler «Marketing 4.0: Moving from Traditional to Digital», 2016
Kotler describes and analyzes the latest changes in the global economy, the impact of digital technology on marketing. He gives fresh examples of how brands use social networks to improve product quality and promotion. Describes why a company must have prosecuting clients.
Teaches marketers to:
- use market paradoxes to promote a brand;
- focus on only three market segments.
The conclusions and questions for reflection after each chapter simplify memorization and suggest how to incorporate the acquired knowledge into an existing business.
After reading the book you will be able to:
- find new profit growth points;
- receive selling content for free;
- surround the brand with loyal client lawyers;
- create communities that will promote a trademark or brand;
- identify key success factors in a particular business.
Ian Brodie «Email Persuasion», 2013
Brodie describes in detail how the introduction of e-mail newsletters helped increase revenue. He tells in full detail how to build a sales funnel: from creating a subscription page, retaining customers to receiving payments. The book contains
- visual diagrams, drawings that explain key points;
- formulas that demonstrate the patterns of e-mail newsletters;
- examples of the implementation of the advice of Ian Brodie.
As a result of reading the book, you will pump skills:
- create a portrait of an ideal client;
- identify the needs of the target audience;
- invent magnet products for customers;
- avoid spam emails;
- collect a database of interested recipients;
- create a series of letters that read from beginning to end;
- Receive conversions from letters to sales pages;
- develop a line of products and services that are profitable.
Philip Kotler, Kevin L Keller «Marketing Management», 2015
The marketing guru succinctly demonstrates and explains the practical value of 80 models for promoting goods and services. Teaches to work rationally in a hyper-competitive market. Tells what can be outsourced and what not. Analyzes how IKEA, Starbucks, Coca-Cola, Johnson & Johnson, Sony, Xerox, Nike adapted to market changes.
Kotler teaches you how to:
- when capturing new markets, avoid mistakes that reduce company revenues by 2 times;
- adjust the design of products and packaging so as to increase the number of regular customers;
- develop storytelling that is credible;
- consistently introduce branding into business processes;
- formulate the warranty of the company so that consumers forget about the existence of competitors;
- use emotional marketing techniques to maintain a customer base even in times of crisis.
Philip Kotler, Milton Kotler «Market Your Way to Growth: 8 Ways to Win», 2012
Theses of the book are the results of international studies, the exchange of experience between the Kotler brothers and
– marketers of the USA, Asia, Indonesia, Europe,
– Mayors, officials of megalopolises and cities of China.
Kotler tell how to promote business in the cities of the Far and Middle East, India, Latin America.
Brothers in the book reviewed
- strategic decisions of international corporations Huawei, Lenovo, McDonald’s, Apple;
- demand levels for specific services and goods in China, Africa, the United Arab Emirates, India;
- ways to identify strong opponents;
- reasons for the decline in investment in foreign branches;
- criteria for choosing the location of a new branch;
- factors that affect marketing strategy.
David Lewis «The Brain Sell: When Science Meets Shopping», 2013
The author of 30 years has studied the reaction of the brain to marketing techniques. Scrupulously collected and analyzed research results. In the book, Lewis shares the conclusions that he made after the experiments. Informs the reader
6 methods to turn a small desire into a driving force that leads to a purchase,
- what are the methods of hidden advertising;
- how they decide to buy right-handed and left-handed;
- how posture, posture, gestures convey the thoughts of the buyer;
- how new technologies transmit an advertising message to the consumer’s brain without picture and sound;
- which font on the price tag will raise profits;
- how furniture in the office or salon affects the company’s revenue;
- what store design makes a business profitable;
- how a small change in the shape and color of the product increases sales by 40%.
Lewis teaches you:
- correct annoying mistakes in the arrangement of goods on the shelf;
- to influence the desires of consumers in a hidden way during rest, travel;
- stimulate revenue growth through lighting, music, aromas;
- increase by 20% sales through the site.
Emanuel Rosen «The Anatomy of Buzz Revisited», 2009
The author dismantled the components of word of mouth marketing. This work received high marks from Seth Godin, Guy Kawasaki, Robert Cialdini. In the book, Rosen tells
- stories from the practice of launching word of mouth marketing;
- what information people willingly share with others;
- why you can not start word of mouth only through social networks;
- which products advertise themselves;
- how to work with opinion leaders;
- what are the criteria for evaluating viral marketing;
- what to do when competitors slandered the brand;
- what methods to launch word of mouth in social networks.
What you can, using the advice of Rosen:
- create a trigger that will trigger brand discussions;
- use the habits of the target audience to increase revenue;
- make consumers talk about the right product;
- turn a brand accuser into a lawyer;
- reduce the proportion of negative reviews;
- increase brand sales by 2 times.
Simon kingsnorth «Digital Marketing Strategy», 2016
The author considers 6 strategic marketing models. Describes tactical approaches to use.
- seo optimization;
- branding;
- CRM as a marketing tool;
- presentation of the brand in social networks, on otzovik sites, forums.
Kingsnort leads and discusses the criteria and principles of marketing campaign analytics. Analysis of company cases indicates key mistakes and reasons for success in promotion.
The structure of the book helps to selectively find the right information. The checklists at the end of each chapter are reminiscent of thesis principles.
After reading the book you will:
- rationally choose how much to invest in each promotion channel;
- to economically use the budget of the advertising campaign;
- to convince the investor or director of the company to allocate additional finance for the marketing campaign;
- expand the base of regular customers with the help of internal marketing techniques;
- develop a strategy for the long-term retention of even disloyal customers;
- coordinate marketing strategy with the overall strategy of the company.
Roger Best «Market-Based Management (6th Edition)», 2012
The author deeply analyzes the cases of companies in which he considers the dynamics of changes in economic indicators. It teaches you to compare them with the situation in the market in order to properly build marketing strategies. Considers branding strategies, rational pricing issues. Provides a methodology for assessing market potential.
It teaches us to predict when the outflow of consumers will begin in the company, and what steps will stop the loss of the customer base. Tips on how to achieve customer satisfaction and retention 90%.
Offers readers exercises with online marketing tools.
The main message of the book: I found out – put it into practice right now to make marketing tools cost-effective.
Best skills pumped by:
- create product concepts whose value is higher than that of competitors;
- build a product line that brings a 50% increase in company profits;
- create a positive brand reputation through interaction with loyal and unsatisfied customers.
Al Ries, Jasck Trout «Marketing Warfare», 2012
From the first pages, the authors are joking. Their humor is on the verge of sarcasm when they make fun of erroneous marketing theories.
Trout and Rice argue that the promotion of a product or service is, above all, war, and not the desire to satisfy customer needs. Therefore, marketing is conducted according to the principles formulated in the 19th century by the military commander Karl Clausewitz.
The authors reveal the truth about what is really the reason for draining large advertising budgets for nothing. Describe 4 military marketing strategies. They say under what conditions they choose each of them. Consider examples of marketing wars of famous and small brands.
After familiarizing yourself with the book, you will be able to:
- identify weaknesses of competitors, and use it;
- create advertising campaign concepts depending on the chosen military strategy;
- position the brand in the market so as to reduce the cost of an advertising campaign;
- beat off market leaders;
- develop a slogan that boosts sales by 26%.
There are no boundaries for perfection. Now go ahead, apply and get better results than yesterday.